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Insights from
Abbas Dhanani
2 min read
Guacamole is the Answer
Turns out guacamole is the answer. I’m not entirely sure what the question is (on a side note, I just found out there is a new Douglas...
Simon Maurer
4 min read
Is Timesheeting Bad and Evil?
Clearly from those that have to do it or manage it, the answer is a resounding yes. Is it that clear-cut? Of course not. So let's delve...
Darren Emery
3 min read
Outcomes Over Outputs - 10 Steps to Becoming an Outcome Focussed Org
We set Sales teams quota targets, but we don’t tell them they need to close a specific deal on a specific day. We ask marketing teams to...
Darren Emery
3 min read
A Lesson from Golf to Transform Your Organisation
In my consultancy work I use sporting analogies a lot. My hero growing up was Andre Agassi, and he once said that every tennis match is a...
Darren Emery
2 min read
Your Strategy Sucks: 3 Ways to Fix It
Here’s a stat for you: 5% of employees are aware of and/or understand their company’s strategy. Or an even better one: 71% of employees...
Darren Emery
3 min read
3 Essential Things to Make Offshore Development a Success!
Agilicist have been parachuted into a multitude of organisations to fix issues they’ve had working with geographically distributed teams....
Darren Emery
2 min read
The Death of The Scrum Master
Why Enterprises are moving away from Scrum and back to traditional delivery management. Companies are ditching the Scrum Master role....
Darren Emery
2 min read
Why Should Teams Write Objectives?
One of the most often misunderstood (and often skipped) parts of the PI process is that of Objectives writing. The bit people get wrong...
Paul Dixon
4 min read
What You Measure is What You Get Back
“The hours of folly are measured by the clock; but of wisdom, no clock can measure.” – William Blake. In the modern world there are...
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