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Insights from

Abbas Dhanani
3 min read
Are You the Puppet Master or the puppet?
Jira, love it or hate it? Either way, for a lot of organisations it’s necessary; it’s the main tool that development teams use to (1)...

Abbas Dhanani
2 min read
Guacamole is the Answer
Turns out guacamole is the answer. I’m not entirely sure what the question is (on a side note, I just found out there is a new Douglas...

Abbas Dhanani
2 min read
Social Conformity Leadership and Cultural Change
I recently saw a video on social conformity that caught my eye, a modern take of the classic psychology experiment by Asch (1951). The...

Darren Emery
2 min read
Why Should Agile Teams Write Objectives?
One of the most often misunderstood (and often skipped) parts of the PI process is that of Objectives writing for the agile teams. The...
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